Why It Matters

We need different and collaborative leaders in elected decision-making roles to have the courage and skills to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. Simply put, we need to have people with different voices and life experiences stepping into elected leadership roles to help govern our communities better. 

What It Is

A mix of virtual and (eventually) in-person training to offer practical and meaningful advice to help female, Indigenous, Black, racialized and youth candidates in Wellington County build successful and effective campaign teams for 2022.


  1. Diversify the leadership in elected roles across Wellington County
  2. Give candidates tools, support and encouragement needed to win
  3. Celebrate and encourage more participation in our democracy (in and out of politics) 

Our Plans

Phase 1: Are You Election Courious? 

November 10/21 | An online information session for those who are #ElectionCurious. Click here to register!


Phase 2: Building Your Campaign

Jan & Feb 2022 | 1 or 2 half-day sessions (hopefully in person) for candidates and their teams to learn about what it takes to run a successful political campaign. 

Agenda | Getting Ready to Win

  • Building your team
  • Raising money
  • Timing
  • Social platforms and self-care
  • Messaging
  • Campaign tools
  • Messaging, speaking and debating
  • GOTV (Getting Out The Vote)

Click here to join our mailing list and be notified when registrations are opening up. 

Phase 3: Mentoring

Mar – Oct 2022 | We hope to partner female, Indigenous, Black, racialized and youth candidates with experienced campaigners who will share 1-2 hours a month of ongoing advice and mentorship. Campaign School Wellington County will make the initial introduction and let the mentors and mentees decide the best way to use their time.

Click here to join our mailing list and be notified when registrations are opening up. 

We also need financial support to help reach as many people as possible. If your business or service club is interested in supporting our effort, click here to learn more.

We Are In The News

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